RLD valve-douche a levier
Pistolets de Lavage et de Rinçage

RLD valve-douche a levier

Lever faucet with wide passages. Jet blender for accurate rinsing. Parts affected by passage of water made of nickel-plated brass. Ergonomic plastic knob adaptable for use with hot water up to 60 ° . Blender protected by shockproof rubber. Clamp to lock lever in the open position. Easy handling of opening and closing.
Référence Entrée Poids
29.1200.00R 1/2" M 670 gr / 23.6 oz 1
Caractéristique Comunes
Pression Max 5 bar - 0.5 MPa - 73 psi
Débit 18 lt/min - 4,68 USGpm
Température Max Fluide 60 °C - 140 °F
Matériel Laiton chromé
Documentation Technique
Manuel Technique - RLD